The rapid rate at which we are consuming resources and filling landfills should be of concern for every person who occupies planet Earth. Polar bears are drowning because they swim toward ice that is no longer there. Our plastic water bottles would reach to the moon and back. Emissions from cars continue to make holes in the ozone layer that protects us from the sun. Yet, if you practice green activities and attempt to encourage your friends to do so, you seem radical. I can't tell you how many times I've asked someone to stop using plastic water bottles and carry one permanent bottle instead, and had them roll their eyes at me. Or when I'm at someone's house who does not recycle, and I comment that they should— they shake their head and wave their hands like it's a silly suggestion.
Frankly, the lackadaisical attitude that most people have toward preserving the environment makes me sad. I should not be considered "radical". It should be normal to frown upon ungreen practices and to encourage others to care about the environment enough to change their ways. Every time someone throws out a vacuum cleaner or an old television and sits it at the end of their driveway, I think of all the parts and plastic in those appliances that could be recycled. Probably the item itself could be repaired in many cases. But we are a 'throw it out' society. It is easier to toss it than to fix it. We complain about our economy, yet buying new is cheaper than repairing most consumer goods. Our market has made it easy for companies to sell things at a low price—but think about this: if a vacuum cleaner cost $500 instead of $90, you'd repair it, wouldn't you?
I write this blog hoping that just a couple of people who read it will make a vow to themselves to care more about the future of the planet—about the future of their nieces, nephews, grandchildren. Here I share some simple small ways to be more green. Every little action counts. This is important for everyone to remember, because often I hear that 'it's too late' or 'what impact can one person, one bottle make?' Remember how popular smoking was? And now, if someone lights up, everyone around them frowns and shakes their finger at the person? This is how it should be when you see someone drinking from a plastic water bottle or purchasing a case of bottled water. I recently signed up for Crystal Springs home delivery, and it is very inexpensive. They come twice a month with giant jugs of water that you place onto your cooler machine. For the same amount of money or less than you spend on individual plastic bottles, you can have fresh, chemical free spring water to drink that you can easily put into a permanent portable container and take with you. Even better, just run your tap water through a filter. The cost of a filter to put on your faucet is a fraction of the cost of a year's worth of plastic water bottles.
My next tip: purchase your laundry detergent in the cardboard boxes and recycle the cardboard. Stop using those thick plastic jugs that liquid detergent comes in. If you must use the liquid detergent, at least recycle the containers. Dryers are also a big offender of global warming. Think of all the dryers running across the country right now. All that hot air being vented into the environment. I get teased for hanging clothes out on our back fence or my clothesline. Yes your clothes will be not quite so soft. So be it. Shake them out or toss them in the dryer for one minute to fluff them and they'll be fine. Turn your refrigerator to only as cold as you need it to be to preserve the food. Most of us have our refrigerators up higher than necessary. The same thing with our freezers. You'll save electricity costs as well. This one you will find odd--give your leftovers to your pets. I've had cats and dogs my entire life and yes, they can have people food. Vegetables, rice, pasta, gravies and sauces, soups, meats—once these items are too old for us to eat, a dog's stomach can handle it. Obviously you don't give them large quantities and you mix it in with their dog food. Think of how wasteful it is to toss out your leftovers, then open a can of dog food. I recently read an article that having pets greatly increases your environmental footprint. The reason is, it takes resources to provide pet food—and Americans consume tons of it. Animals are raised, grazed, and slaughtered to make pet food. A certain amount of pasture land and farm land is taken up by pet food animals when it could be used for people. I'm not saying we shouldn't have pets. I just think people should be aware that their pets make a footprint too. Something I had never thought of. I've always shared people food with my pets in moderation and they have been healthy and lived to an old age. They enjoy the taste of good food just like we do. On that note I will sign off and wish you a happy, prosperous, green day. ( Hey—that's a great band, too! I haven't thought of them in a while—I will have to pull up Green Day on iTunes and take a listen.)
Welcome to Just Ask Priscilla! For tips on marketing, events and more!
Hi! I'm a lover of life, people, and fun! I have a 23-year professional background in Marketing - Communications, as well as substantial event planning experience. I'm out and about several nights a week in S. Florida. I've lots of good information to share! I'm always being asked all sorts of things - so it made perfect sense to start blogging! I seek to help people with the information I provide -- whether it be to help them market their business; hold a fabulous event; choose a restaurant; or have an incredible weekend in my area! Sometimes I just seek to inspire you, or make you think. Thanks for reading and sharing. CHEERS! P-